ftimings 0.3
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ftimings, a simple Fortran library for time measurement and profiling

Initially an almost pure Fortran finger excercise to play with tree structures, using the (at the time) new object oriented Features of Fortran 2008. It evolved into a timing library used by a couple of codes that run here at MPCDF.

All you need to know is contained in module ftimings' timer_t derived type public methods (ftimings::timer_t).

A minimal example:

type(timer_t) :: timer

call timerenable()

call timerstart("section") [...] call timerstart("subsection") [...] call timerstop("subsection") [...] call timerstop("section")

call timerprint()

call timerfree()

Most of the public methods are documented with Doxygen-style tags in ftimings/ftimings.F90. However, current Doxygen seems to be very poor at creating documentation for Fortran codes, thus the resulting files seem to miss most of the important methods, as they are wrongly considered to be private.

Look at the documentation comments in the source code itself for the moment.

Questions and feedback are welcome, contact loh {at} mpcdf.mpg.de